Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cairns Solar Eclipse

So last week me and a few adventurous types set up to the palmer river near Cairns to witness one of natures most awe inspiring spectacles, a total solar eclipse. Actually, we were going there for the eclipse just as much as for the giant rocking festival dedicated in honour to it. An rediculously good  time was had with an entire weeks worth of rollercoaster emotions and amazement. Music, art, people, dancing, talks, films, fashion and culture were gently lashed upon us in the backdrop of far north queensland.... *sigh*.....


So it's actualy very hard to get a photo that captures the mood of an eclipse well it seems. Things are too exposed or under exposed and the sun is actually really just a little dot in the sky to a lens. However this one has been making the rounds and the photographer clearly seemed to know what he was doing. Totality occured at 6.37 am and it almost looked as though clouds on the horizon were going to spoil the show for us, but fortune favoured the crowd and we were treated to the following:

(credit to Michael Fitzgerald)

Aside from the dancing, partying and general sun worship, these things were the hilight for me. There were a few of them scattered around the dancefloor and I must have spent hours climbing, rocking, swinging and just hanging out on them. And they light up at night. Amazing. They were made of steel and bamboo with stury rope ladder mesh all around and over them. They should just remove shopping malls and replace them with these things.

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